Finding strength in faith after a stroke
My Mission
We all need a little inspiration sometimes, no matter our circumstances. Some days we need more than others. Whatever you are going through or feeling today I hope you find encouragement here. Life is full of twists and turns. Some are glorious and some knock us to the ground. Wherever you are on your life journey, I pray you find something here. We face all kinds of stumbling blocks. It may be a physical disability, maybe an emotional struggle or both. Each can debilitate and we need help to get through. Below you find a little about my struggle. You can replace the stroke in my story with what you are facing today. Let’s encourage one another. I want to get to know you and your struggle. I want all on this site to get to know each other. To encourage and inspire each other with whatever you are going through.
Stroke Survivor Inspiration Through Faith
Debbie Silvey
I’m a hemorrhagic stroke survivor. Mom, Momma and Mema are my favorite names but you can call me Debbie. I love to inspire others. Will you let me encourage you? It has been 20 years since it happened. I lost my left side, and for a time couldn’t walk. My faith got me through and with God’s grace and mercy, I learned to walk again. I no longer use my left arm or hand.
In the quiet moments of recovery, when frustration threatens to overwhelm you. Remember: God’s strength is made perfect in our weakness (2 Corinthians 12:9). Your stroke doesn’t define you – your faith can transform you.
Challenges can be an opportunity for spiritual growth. I kept remembering the first verse I memorized. Embracing Romans 8:28 And we know all things work together for good to them who love God. At first, you may not think God is here as you struggle to find yourself, your new normal. I can attest He is here right beside you. Farther down the recovery road you will see how his hands held you during your journey. Whether you are a stroke or TBI survivor have any affliction. Or are a caregiver with the task of understanding and finding the best way to help. Deuteronomy 31:8: “The Lord himself goes before you and will be with you; he will never leave or forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged. He will guide you. I know and I promise if you don’t let go of Him. Life will be more bearable during this time and throughout the rest of life.
I would like to hear your story and answer any questions you have. I don’t claim to know everything. But having been through it I may be able to give helpful suggestions here and there.
I look forward to getting to know you. You can email me or comment below if you like.
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